Conquering The Uncomfortable - Tips For Tackling Uncomfortable AppointmentsByDr Kieran Kennedy 11 June 2024We all know the feeling of working up the courage to step into that appointment we might just rather have stayed at home for. Whether it’s a chat around mental health, a sexual health check, discussions around bowel cancer, or cervical screening, there are absolutely some conversations, check ups and tests we all, even if ever so slightly, might dread. Category:General Medical, Healthy Living, Stress and AnxietyRead MoreWrite a Comment
Pesto Farfalle (Bow Tie) Pasta RecipeBySimon Toohey 08 June 2024Pesto for me is the greatest of all condiments. My mum to this day makes it all years and mountains of it. It doesn’t have to just go with pasta, but on toasties, as a dip, blended with yogurt and baked with pumpkin.Category:Recipes, NutritionRead MoreWrite a Comment
Healthy Habits for a Healthier Bowel ByDr Gina Cleo06 June 2024Bowel Cancer Day underscores the importance of awareness and prevention. Lifestyle habits significantly impact bowel health and reduce cancer risks. Key habits include a fibre-rich diet, hydration, regular movement, limiting processed foods, and moderating alcohol and caffeine. Embracing these habits fosters a healthier, resilient bowel, aiding in cancer prevention. Category:Healthy Living, Self-Care, Conditions and TreatmentsRead MoreWrite a Comment
Transform Your Life with Self-Gratitude - Daily Habits for Inner PeaceByPaula Ortiz01 June 2024"Gratitude is the ability to experience life as a gift. It liberates us from the prison of self-preoccupation." — John OrtbergCategory:Mental Health, Healthy Lifestyle, Healthy Living, Stress and Anxiety, Self-CareRead MoreWrite a Comment
From Gloomy to Glowing - How to thrive this coming winterByDr. Leanne Hall 21 May 2024Does the beginning of the colder months signify doom and gloom to you? Maybe you’re prone to the Winter Blues. Learn ways to combat the winter gloom and set yourself up to thrive this winter. Category:Healthy Living, Self-Care, Conditions and TreatmentsRead MoreWrite a Comment
Pink Noise Vs White Noise Vs Brown Noise – The Sounds of SleepByTammy George31 March 2023Playing sounds while you try to fall asleep sounds counterintuitive but for some people it’s the only way they can fall asleep or stay asleep. Category:Healthy Sleep PracticesRead MoreWrite a Comment
Getting a good night’s sleep could be your best health hack ByDr Gina Cleo16 March 2023Getting a good night’s sleep is one of the best things you can do for your physical and mental wellbeing. But with 2 in 3 adults reporting, they suffer with poor sleep, it’s time to shake things up and make sleep our number one priority. Habit expert, Dr. Gina Cleo, shares her top tips to implementing better sleep habits and getting adequate sleep. Category:Healthy Sleep Practices, Self-CareRead MoreWrite a Comment
How is Sleep Debt Calculated and Can you Repay It?ByTammy George03 February 2023Sleep. Few of us get the recommended hours of shut-eye daily. What happens if we’re constantly cheating ourselves of valuable sleep?Category:Healthy Lifestyle, Healthy Living, Healthy Sleep Practices, Self-CareRead MoreWrite a Comment
Is Making the Bed Bad for Your Health?ByScott Henderson15 November 2022Despite years of rhetoric suggesting bed-making increases productivity and is the only way to kick off the day, a recent study suggests that making the bed may be detrimental to our health after all. The news, that will have procrastinators and late risers rejoicing, provides some compelling ammunition in the fight against the morning ritual.Category:General Medical, Healthy Living, Healthy Sleep PracticesRead MoreWrite a Comment
Conquering The Uncomfortable - Tips For Tackling Uncomfortable AppointmentsByDr Kieran Kennedy 11 June 2024We all know the feeling of working up the courage to step into that appointment we might just rather have stayed at home for. Whether it’s a chat around mental health, a sexual health check, discussions around bowel cancer, or cervical screening, there are absolutely some conversations, check ups and tests we all, even if ever so slightly, might dread. Category:General Medical, Healthy Living, Stress and AnxietyRead MoreWrite a Comment
What Really Happens When You Give Up Alcohol For One MonthByScott Henderson10 June 2024As Dry July once again rolls around, we ask; how much can your body really change in one month without booze? Spoiler: a lot!Category:Nutrition, General Medical, Self-CareRead MoreWrite a Comment
The Lifesaving Act - The Ins and Outs of Donating Blood in AustraliaByScott Henderson06 June 2024In Australia, donating blood is not just an act of kindness; it's a lifeline for countless individuals in need. With every donation, you have the power to save lives and make a significant impact on your community.Category:General Medical, Conditions and TreatmentsRead MoreWrite a Comment
The Healing Power of UVB Light Therapy - Exploring Its BenefitsByPaula Ortiz01 June 2024With alternative and supplementary treatments constantly emerging, UVB light therapy brings a compelling solution for those battling certain skin conditions, mood disorders, and immune system challenges. UVB (ultraviolet B) light is a portion of the natural sunlight spectrum, and its role in medical therapy has shown promising results in clinical settings and home treatments.Category:General MedicalRead MoreWrite a Comment
Walking Your Way to Wellness - Is 10,000 Steps a Day Effective?ByPaula Ortiz01 May 2024Emerging as more than a mere trend, aiming for 10,000 daily steps is now a global movement towards achieving a healthier lifestyle. But beyond how good this sounds, is this goal effective in driving all of us towards better health outcomes?Category:Fitness, Healthy LivingRead MoreWrite a Comment
Skin Cancer's Relentless Grip on Australia, and How We Can Fight BackByScott Henderson01 March 2024Skin cancer has a profound impact on in Australia, yet despite its alarming prevalence there exist essential insights into protective measures against this pervasive threat to our health.Category:Healthy Lifestyle, Healthy LivingRead MoreWrite a Comment
Enjoying a Healthy Summer - Tips for Wellbeing in the Sun ByDr Gina Cleo02 February 2024Unlock the secrets to a vibrant and healthy summer with our habit expert’s tips for embracing the sun-soaked season. From staying hydrated and protecting your skin to enjoying seasonal fruits and mindful relaxation, Dr. Gina Cleo shares the keys to a wellness-filled summer adventure. Category:Healthy Lifestyle, Healthy LivingRead MoreWrite a Comment
The Fitness Trends Set to Define 2024ByScott Henderson11 January 2024Every year we see a wave of new fitness trends hit the mainstream. Some stick, and some fade into obscurity… how will 2024 fare when it comes to our workouts.Category:Fitness, Healthy LivingRead MoreWrite a Comment
The Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation for Mental HealthByTammy George31 August 2023We hear a lot about mindfulness and meditation separately. But there’s also mindfulness meditation, a technique that helps people achieve mental clarity and emotional calmness. Mindfulness meditation can offer a range of mental health benefits for a wide range of people. Find out how you can benefit.Category:Mental HealthRead MoreWrite a Comment
If you’re not happy with the way you’re going, go the other way!ByDr. Happy 17 August 2023There are times when it’s wise to listen to your inner voice, and there are times when it may well be better to ignore, or even do the opposite of what you’re telling yourself to do. Category:Mental Health, Stress and Anxiety, Self-CareRead MoreWrite a Comment
Your habits are your brain’s shortcuts ByDr Gina Cleo01 July 2023Did you know that we make on average 35,000 decisions every single day? Because we simply cannot process all of that information, our brains create habits – automations of the behaviours and actions we often repeat. But how – and why – are habits such a big part of our life? Category:Mental Health, Healthy LifestyleRead MoreWrite a Comment
How to Care for a Loved One with DementiaByTammy George15 May 2023When a loved one is diagnosed with dementia, there’s so much to know about how you can help care for them. Category:Mental Health, DementiaRead MoreWrite a Comment
7 Fun Ways on Deciding Your Baby's NameByTammy George20 November 2017It’s a big decision but don’t let the enormity of choosing your child’s name stop you from enjoying the experience.Category:Maternity Care, Family First, PregnancyRead MoreWrite a Comment
Gender Myths - Boy or Girl?ByTammy George24 October 2017It’s one of the first questions people ask a pregnant woman – do you know what you’re having? Whether you want to find out at the first opportunity or leave the surprise until your baby is born is a personal choice.Category:Maternity Care, Family First, PregnancyRead MoreWrite a Comment
Foods to Keep You Cool During PregnancyByTammy George23 August 2017Once you find out you’re pregnant, you count eight months ahead to find out your due date. You want to know if your baby might share a birthday with a family member or friend but you also want to know what month it will be when you’re full-term. You might cringe at the thought of being heavily pregnant during the height of summer, but there are some things you can do to keep you cool.Category:Maternity Care, Family First, PregnancyRead MoreWrite a Comment
How First Time Dads Can Help Reach Those MilestonesByTammy George01 August 2017You’re going to be a dad, congratulations! Life as you know it is going to change forever. Despite the excitement and job, dads can sometimes feel a little left out. After all, it’s their partner who is doing all the heavy lifting what with carrying the baby for nine months, giving birth, breastfeeding and perhaps the main caregiver during the child’s early years. But there’s no need to stand on the sidelines.Category:Maternity Care, Family FirstRead MoreWrite a Comment