It’s one of the first questions people ask a pregnant woman – do you know what you’re having? Whether you want to find out at the first opportunity or leave the surprise until your baby is born is a personal choice.
Despite the number of couples finding out the sex of their baby early, the myths surrounding the gender of unborn babies have continued. Some people will swear by the accuracy of one or more wives’ tales while others think they are a little fun and hold no validity whatsoever.
Here is a list of some of the more popular pregnancy myths surrounding a baby’s gender.
It’s a Boy if:
It’s a Girl if:
Reliable Gender Reveals
If you want to know for sure what colour to paint the nursery, there are tests you can have to reveal the sex of your baby.
The vast majority of pregnant mums finding out the gender will do so at the ultrasound. Some sonographers will call it during the first ultrasound at 12 weeks while others will wait until the 20-week ultrasound. Not all babies want to cooperate on the day of the ultrasound. They may be in a position that makes it impossible for the sonographer to tell the gender.
Medical Tests
There are medical tests that may be used to check on the baby’s health which also reveal gender.
An amniocentesis screens for chromosomal abnormalities like Down Syndrome. The invasive test takes a sample of the amniotic fluid and may be recommended if the mother’s previous tests reveal some probability of a birth defect.
Other genetic abnormalities can be tested for through a Chronic Villus Sampling (CVS) test. A small sample of the placenta can be checked by a lab for possible abnormalities and the gender.
A blood test of the mother can be used to screen for chromosome problems and also give an accurate result of the baby’s gender.
Only a doctor or sonographer can say for sure what the baby’s gender will be but the myths can be a bit of fun. At least there is a 50/50 chance of being correct.
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