Jaime Rose Chambers

An accredited practising dietitian, nutritionist and cook, Jaime loves food and is passionate about how it affects our bodies and our health.Jaime Rose Chambers

Jaime holds a Bachelor of Nutrition & Dietetics from the University of Newcastle and is currently completing a Masters of Clinical Science in Complementary Therapies.

Aside from her work in clinic, Jaime is a regular contributor to various publications including Kidspot, Body & Soul, and the Australian Women’s Weekly, and appears regularly on our screens for A Current Affair and the Today Show.

Also a successful author and speaker, Jaime is available for all types of media and PR opportunities, recipe creation, cooking demonstrations, and brand partnerships.
Articles 1 to 12 of 23
Breastfeeding or formula, and starting solids - How to feed your baby the best way

Breastfeeding or formula, and starting solids - How to feed your baby the best way

Jaime Rose Chambers
The first week of August is World Breastfeeding Week and aims to raise awareness about the importance of breastfeeding. Feeding your baby can be a breeze for some, and a real challenge for others. Breastfeeding has been shown to have many health benefits, but many parents choose not to or cannot and so formula feeding is an absolute necessity. Then at 6 months it’s time to begin solids, which brings many of its own challenges and decisions as to the approach you choose to take. Ultimately there are some foundation guidelines to follow for optimum growth and development when it comes to feeding bub, but the remainder of it can be both a personal choice as well as determined by bub and what they need and when they’re ready. 
How to avoid cold and flu and keep your immune system strong through Winter

How to avoid cold and flu and keep your immune system strong through Winter

Jaime Rose Chambers
Do you spend half the year barely thinking about cold and flu but as soon as the weather becomes cooler and those around you start to get sick, you go into preventative mode to ward off the dreaded lurgy? Our immune system is very complex and is comprised of many organs and cells, which need certain nutrients at different stage of the immune response. Making sure to have a diverse and balanced diet with a focus on certain immune-supporting nutrients and avoiding factors which may dampen the immune response can help to keep your immune system strong through winter. 
Food Safety – How to Keep Your Food, and Your Family Safe

Food Safety – How to Keep Your Food, and Your Family Safe

Jaime Rose Chambers
Most of us have been struck down with food poisoning at some stage in our lives and know just how horrible it can be. It’s estimated there are 5 million cases of food poisoning in Australia every year, with many needing to go to hospital and putting vulnerable populations at risk. The way we manage our food at every stage can be the difference between getting sick or not. There are four simple steps we can all follow to ensure food safety: Clean, separate, cook and chill. 
Sleep is essential for good health - Top tips for a healthy sleep

Sleep is essential for good health - Top tips for a healthy sleep

Jaime Rose Chambers

Sleep is one of the most essential human functions. It’s a time where our body and mind switch from ‘doing,’ to recharging and repairing. There are so many factors that can affect our sleep and when sleep is impaired, it can have major consequences on our mental and physical health. Sleep impacts our immune system, respiratory and cardiovascular (heart) systems and our metabolism and ability to manage our weight. The good news is that there are some changes we can make to our diet, lifestyle and night time habits to improve sleep quality. 

Diet and Prostate Cancer - How can men take control and reduce their risk?

Diet and Prostate Cancer - How can men take control and reduce their risk?

Jaime Rose Chambers
Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia and the most commonly diagnosed cancer among Australian men, however survival rates are relatively high and continuing to improve as more is discovered. Diet, lifestyle and complementary therapy use is common in men for prevention as well as those who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer because there is now some promising research to show it may help to prevent or slow the disease.  
The Role of Nutrition in Breast Cancer

The Role of Nutrition in Breast Cancer

Jaime Rose Chambers
When it comes to breast cancer, we can’t control risk factors such as genetics and age, but certain diet and lifestyle factors we can. More women these days are surviving breast cancer and research is showing that there are some specific things we can do, such as eating more plants, exercise and limiting alcohol, that may either prevent breast cancer developing, and it’s recurrence and survival after a diagnosis.  
Nutrition and Osteoporosis

Nutrition and Osteoporosis

Jaime Rose Chambers
Our bones form our physical structure, they hold us upright and keep us moving. When our body takes calcium from our bones to use in the body and doesn’t have the nutrients available from our diet to replace them, over time bone becomes brittle. This leads to osteopenia, and the more serious, osteoporosis and increases the risk of bone fractures. It’s estimated 1 million Australians have osteoporosis. We can’t reverse it but we can make some diet and lifestyle changes to stop further bone loss and potentially build back some bone.  
Alcohol and Our Health - Is there a safe drinking limit

Alcohol and Our Health - Is there a safe drinking limit

Jaime Rose Chambers
Alcohol has long been part of many cultures and is still an integral part of many celebrations and events. It’s often also abused and used in excess, at the least making you feel pretty awful, and at its worst, can be fatal to you and to others, such as from road accidents and domestic violence. After decades of research and data collection, The World Health Organisation has recently released a statement on the safest level of drinking and guidelines to keep you and others around you safe from alcohol harm. 
Hypertension and Diet

Hypertension and Diet

Jaime Rose Chambers
High blood pressure occurs when the force of blood pumping through the arteries is considered too high and puts pressure on the vessel walls. This can make you feel dizzy and give you a headache, but long term it can lead to serious health conditions like stroke, heart disease and kidney disease. Diet plays an integral role in controlled blood pressure and one of the best diets in the world, known as the DASH eating plan has been shown to be comparable with medication in helping to reduce blood pressure.  
Irritable Bowel Syndrome IBS - What is it and how to manage it

Irritable Bowel Syndrome IBS - What is it and how to manage it

Jaime Rose Chambers
IBS is short for irritable bowel syndrome. It is considered a chronic functional bowel disorder that is characterised by several symptoms that affect the functioning of the small and large intestine such as such as pain, cramping, bloating and gas, constipation or diarrhoea, or both as well as urgency with defecation. Symptoms may come and go over time and new symptoms may emerge – they may be quite mild but also severe. This can make managing IBS really tricky and often quite stressful. 
Articles 1 to 12 of 23