Em Batger

Em BatgerEm is the owner and head physiotherapist of Active RX Physio located in Sydney. Prior to starting Active RX with her husband, she was working in a busy sports & musculoskeletal practice where she was one of the club physios for Eastern Suburbs Rugby Union.

Em has a very hands on treatment approach focusing on encouraging functional movement as an integral part of the rehabilitation process which has stemmed from not only working with elite level athletes but also from her years competing in sport at a high level. This experience has given her an understanding of not only the physical demands that training and competing can have on the body but also how important strength & mobility work can be when it comes to staying injury free.

Em has completed extra study in Western Acupuncture / Dry Needling and Active Release Techniques (ART), both which form an integral part of her treatment sessions. She is a qualified Movement & Mobility Specialist via Mobility | WOD and the Starrett System and is currently undertaking a Pre and Post Natal Coaching Certification.
Articles 1 to 12 of 44
Post Natal Depletion

Post Natal Depletion

Em Batger
Motherhood is without a doubt, the most emotionally and physically demanding experience I’ve personally been through. It starts with pregnancy, you give birth, then there are the demands of breastfeeding (for those that choose to), the sleep deprivation and the constant giving of your emotional energy. It’s no wonder some mothers are left feeling literally sucked dry. Post Natal Depletion is a term first described by Dr Oscar Serrallach and refers to the combination of physical, emotional and hormonal depletion that a mother can experience after giving birth. The why is fascinating.
Parkinson's Disease - Here's What You Need To Know

Parkinson's Disease - Here's What You Need To Know

Em Batger

Parkinson's disease is a progressive disorder that affects the nervous system and parts of the body that are controlled by nerves. April is Parkinson’s Disease awareness month, which presents an opportunity for us all to learn more about this neurological disease which more than 150,000 Australians suffer from. Science doesn't have an answer as to why people get Parkinson’s disease, however it’s theorised that a combination of genetics and exposure to one or more environmental factors may play a role. 

The benefits that exercise can have on your mental health

The benefits that exercise can have on your mental health

Em Batger
October is mental health awareness month. In Australia 1 in 5 people aged 16-85 have experienced a mental health disorder in the past 12 months. These are quite confronting statistics. Regardless of whether you have a lived experience of mental health or not such events can provide an opportunity to pause and take check of your mental head space and that of those around you. For me, exercise is the single most important thing I do for my mental health every day. Why? While most of us know the physical benefits, it may surprise you to learn that what motivates many people to engage in exercise is what it can do for your mental health.  
Five top tips to recover from a fitness event

Five top tips to recover from a fitness event

Em Batger

That moment when you cross the finish line of a challenge you have been training towards for a while can be one of mixed emotions. The huge surge of endorphins make you feel almost euphoric amongst the exhaustion, the elation and relief that it’s over. Even though it’s all done and dusted you owe it to your body to recover properly. How? Read on to find my top five tips to recovery after a big fitness event. 

The benefits of ice baths and cold immersion

The benefits of ice baths and cold immersion

Em Batger

Ice baths have been around for centuries in health and wellbeing circles. The health benefits aren't only physical with research suggesting cold exposure can improve your mood and boost mental clarity. As we creep closer and closer to winter the idea of an ice bath is far from appealing, however you may be swayed to test the waters when you realise the plethora of other benefits that an icy exposure can bring. 


What is Sciatica?

What is Sciatica?

Em Batger

Have you ever experienced an episode of Sciatica? Did you know that Sciatica itself isn't actually the diagnosis but more of a general term to describe pain felt along the course of the Sciatic Nerve itself? What then is the cause of this set of symptoms that can be so varied from person to person? 

Exercising during pregnancy

Exercising during pregnancy

Em Batger
Pregnancy is an exciting time for most women. It can also be a challenging time as you deal with your changing physical capabilities, accepting that your body can't do what it once could. Exercise is highly recommended during pregnancy because there is overwhelming evidence that it's beneficial to mother and baby. Exactly how much exercise is enough? 
4 Tips for Healthy Travel

4 Tips for Healthy Travel

Em Batger
Travel is back. It's pretty exciting; maybe more so for those lucky Aussies who actually have tickets to a European summer (if only that were me). After a 2 year hiatus it's easy to forget just how uncomfortable a long haul flight in economy can be. I get terrible restless legs so for me extended periods of sitting does not bode well but I have learnt over the years a few little tricks that make these journeys much more bearable. Firstly the trigger ball comes in my carry on. Yep that's right and it's probably the most important item in my handbag. Why?
Articles 1 to 12 of 44