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Sweat It Out or Chill Out? A Sauna vs Ice Bath Comparison

Sweat It Out or Chill Out? A Sauna vs Ice Bath Comparison

Hot or cold - what’s your recovery style? Some people swear by the intense heat of a sauna, while others embrace the shock of an ice bath. These two extremes might seem worlds apart, but they both offer powerful benefits for recovery, circulation, and overall wellness. Saunas use heat therapy to relax muscles, improve blood flow, and promote detoxification through sweating. Meanwhile, ice baths harness cold therapy to reduce inflammation, speed up muscle recovery, and boost resilience.

While each method works differently, they’re both used by athletes, wellness enthusiasts, and those looking to optimise their health. So, when it comes to sauna vs ice bath use, which one is right for you? Let’s break down the science, benefits, and best use cases for each.

6 Habits to Boost Serotonin Levels for a Happier, Healthier Life

6 Habits to Boost Serotonin Levels for a Happier, Healthier Life

Dr Gina Cleo
Serotonin, known as the “feel-good” hormone, is essential for balancing mood, supporting restful sleep, aiding digestion, and enhancing overall well-being. Keeping serotonin levels at their best can improve mental health, ease anxiety, and boost physical health. Here are six effective habits you can add to your daily routine to naturally elevate serotonin levels. 
Category:Mental Health

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Healthy sleep practices refers to the habits and environments that contribute to a good night’s sleep. Here at HIF, we know just how valuable a good night’s sleep is.

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