Popular Topics

Is Alcohol a Depressant? Understanding the Effects on Your Mood and Mind

Is Alcohol a Depressant? Understanding the Effects on Your Mood and Mind

Is alcohol a depressant or a stimulant? Well, there's no doubt that it's often a misunderstood topic. It's no secret that many of us enjoy relaxing with a glass of wine after a long day or sharing a casual drink with friends on the weekend. It can help us unwind, feel more social, or even provide a temporary boost in mood.

Breast Cancer Awareness - How to Examine your Own Breasts

Breast Cancer Awareness - How to Examine your Own Breasts

Dr. Michela Sorensen
October is Breast Cancer awareness month, a time to shine the spotlight on all things breast health. Early detection of breast cancer provides the best chance at effective treatment. The key to early detection is remaining vigilant with breast cancer screening and self breast checks. Over 80% of women however, don’t feel confident in doing a self breast examination. So, time for a quick rundown of how to do it and what you’re looking for.  
The Difference Between Osteo, Physio, and Chiro - Which is Right for You?

The Difference Between Osteo, Physio, and Chiro - Which is Right for You?

Unsurprisingly, people tend to face confusion when it comes to choosing between osteopathy, physiotherapy, and chiropractic care. Each therapy has a unique focus and targets different aspects of musculoskeletal health, but it's a space that can be tricky to navigate. Thankfully, that’s where we come in.

Why choose HIF

Not for profit and member focused Our priority is to look after the health and wellbeing of our members, not to maximise profits. 
Freedom to choose your Extras provider You have total freedom to choose your own registered dentist, optician, physio and other Extras providers.
Alternative healthcare options Access alternative health care options through our exclusive partnerships

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Featured Topic - Healthy Sleep Practices

Healthy sleep practices refers to the habits and environments that contribute to a good night’s sleep. Here at HIF, we know just how valuable a good night’s sleep is.

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