Remaining Active Working From HomeByEm Batger15 May 2020We 're currently living in an extraordinary time and as restrictions begin to ease, there are still so many unknowns which can leave you feeling a little overwhelmed or slightly anxious.Category:FitnessRead More0 Comments
Managing An Ankle SprainByEm Batger12 May 2020An ankle sprain is one of the most common musculoskeletal injuries that can happen to just about anyone.Category:Fitness, Injury and RehabilitationRead More0 Comments
Working out on an Empty Stomach – Is it Safe?ByTammy George29 April 2020Exercising on an empty stomach is known as fasted cardio. There is an ongoing debate over working out an empty stomach. Read on to find out the benefits and risks of fasted cardio.Category:Nutrition, FitnessRead More0 Comments
Losing Weight at 50 – 12 Easy WaysByTammy George04 March 2020When you hit middle age, it’s easy to think weight gain is inevitable, but there are steps you can take to help shed the unwanted kilos.Category:FitnessRead More0 Comments
Training in the HeatByEm Batger15 February 2020Exercise in itself can be a challenge for many, let alone when it’s 30 degrees outside. The good news is that hot summer days don’t have to completely disrupt your training schedule, you just need to be mindful of when and how you train.Category:FitnessRead More0 Comments
Fuelling Yourself Correctly For ExerciseByRosie MansfieldKnowing the best food to get the most out of your workout is a sure-fire way of making sure you stick to a good exercise routine and get the results you want.Category:Nutrition, FitnessRead More0 Comments
Delayed Onset Muscle SorenessByEm BatgerDelayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is quite literally as it sounds; pain and stiffness that develops in your muscles after exercise.Category:Fitness, Healthy LivingRead More0 Comments
Fitness Hacks At HomeByEm BatgerWhether you’re short on time, strapped for cash, or just simply don’t like the idea of joining your local gym there’s still many ways you can get your daily dose of exercise. You literally don’t even need to leave your house if you don’t want too, you just have to use your imagination.Category:FitnessRead More0 Comments
Recovering From InjuriesByEm BatgerGiven there are so many factors that need to be considered there isn’t really a ‘recovery recipe’ that can be applied to everyone. Instead what we do have are some guidelines that help us to manage different injuries.Category:General Medical, Physiotherapy, Fitness, Injury and RehabilitationRead More0 Comments
How Footwear Choice Impacts The Rest Of Your BodyByEm BatgerIt’s very likely that the majority of us don’t really give much thought to the wellbeing of our feet on a daily basis.Category:Fitness, General MedicalRead More0 Comments
What Is Lactic Acid Build Up And How Do We Get Rid Of It?ByEm BatgerThe concept of ‘lactic acid’ build up in our muscles is a bit of a misunderstood one and the first thing to clear up is the terminology.Category:Fitness, Healthy LifestyleRead More0 Comments
7 Unexpected Benefits of Cycling for Over 60sByTammy GeorgeCycling isn’t just for the young. There are many health benefits linked to riding a bike later in life, many of which you probably haven’t heard before.Category:Fitness, Healthy LivingRead More0 Comments