Do Couples That Train Together Really Stay Together?ByScott Henderson12 July 2023You don’t have to look much further than the Hemsworths, the Robards, or the Beckhams to realise that working out as a couple can turn in impressive results. But the real benefits go beyond the physical.Category:Fitness, Healthy LivingRead More0 Comments
The benefits of ice baths and cold immersionByEm Batger13 May 2023Ice baths have been around for centuries in health and wellbeing circles. The health benefits aren't only physical with research suggesting cold exposure can improve your mood and boost mental clarity. As we creep closer and closer to winter the idea of an ice bath is far from appealing, however you may be swayed to test the waters when you realise the plethora of other benefits that an icy exposure can bring. Category:Fitness, Healthy Living, Injury and RehabilitationRead More0 Comments
Should You Still Workout If You’re Feeling Sick?ByScott Henderson04 March 2023When we start to fall sick, our workouts are often the first of our routines to fall by the wayside. However in a twist to the old rhetoric, it turns out that certain workouts may actually bolster our immunity response. Arm yourself with this knowledge as we enter the 2023 flu season.Category:Fitness, General Medical, Healthy LivingRead More0 Comments
Music May Be the Greatest Legal Performance EnhancerByScott Henderson03 January 2023A spate of recent studies into the efficacy of music on human performance, motivation and training have tuned us in to some surprising results. In fact, cranking your favourite tunes in the office can hold similar motivational benefits according to local scientists.Category:Fitness, Healthy LivingRead More0 Comments
Do New Year’s Resolutions Really Work?ByDr Gina Cleo29 December 2022The turn of a new year can be a time for reflecting on the year we’ve just had and setting goals and resolutions for the year ahead. But 92% of NY Resolutions fail by the end of February! So, to be in the 8% that do achieve their NY goals, here are three ways to rethink resolutions.Category:Fitness, Healthy LifestyleRead More0 Comments
Are Wearable Fitness Trackers Making Us Healthier?ByScott Henderson28 November 2022An Australian team of researchers from the University of South Australia have put scientific principles to use to answer a question many of us have pondered; are fitness trackers worth the investment and are they actually keeping us accountable when it comes to our fitness?Category:Fitness, Healthy LivingRead More0 Comments
Keep Your Summer Health Kick Simple - The Surprising Benefits of Walking ByDr. Michela Sorensen15 November 2022As the weather warms up and the days grow longer, it’s the perfect time to start pounding that pavement. We have long known that walking is good for us, it promotes heart health, weight loss and boosts our mood. There are however, some less known but equally beneficial reasons to incorporate regular walking into your exercise regime. So before you go and spend a fortune on the latest fitness craze this summer, why not think about keeping it simple - just walk. Category:Fitness, Hikes and Walking TrailsRead More0 Comments
9 At-Home Hip Strengthening Exercises for SeniorsByTammy George11 August 2022Hip health is the number one concern for many seniors. Having strong hips ensures good balance and mobility for a good quality of life for longer.Category:Fitness, Healthy LifestyleRead More0 Comments
Warming up before exercise? What you need to knowByEm Batger19 March 2022A warm up will look very different based on the type of exercise you are about to do. A pilates instructor may take you through a flow series to activate the glutes and gently begin to mobilise the spine while a rugby team’s warm up would incorporate some on feet conditioning, dynamic drills and ball skills.Category:FitnessRead More0 Comments
Why You Should Hit the Sand Running this SummerByEm Batger23 January 2022Opting for sand over regular road running is a nice change up that adds diversity to your training and requires a different kind of focus. The soft, looser packed sand challenges your balance and requires some muscles to work much harder to propel us forward.Category:FitnessRead More0 Comments
A Beginner's Guide to Going to the Gym for the First TimeByTammy George14 January 2022So you’ve decided to join a gym? Here’s what you should know about joining and starting out on your fitness journey.Category:Fitness, Healthy LivingRead More0 Comments
Injury Recovery - Setting SMART Rehab GoalsByTammy George14 January 2022Setting goals helps trigger new behaviours and guide your focus. By setting goals for your rehabilitation journey, you may find you recover quicker and better than without milestones.Category:Fitness, Healthy Lifestyle, Injury and RehabilitationRead More0 Comments