Dr Gina Cleo

Dr Gina Cleo is one of Australia’s leading experts in habit change and wellbeing.Dr Gina Cleo

She has a PhD in habit change and is a Senior Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Bond University. She also holds a Bachelor in Health Sciences with a double major in Biomedical & Sport Science & a Masters of Nutrition and Dietetics. Gina’s passion for wellbeing extends beyond just what we eat; rather she has dedicated her career to helping people understand their habits and how small consistent steps impact longer term health and wellbeing.

Her research has been published in medical journals globally and she has appeared for over 150 news outlets including many of Australian’s major television networks print and online publications.
Articles 13 to 15 of 15
Three Tips for Forming New Habits

Three Tips for Forming New Habits

Dr Gina Cleo

Did you know that you make over 35,000 decisions every single day! That’s quite a workload! So that your brain doesn’t become completely exhausted, many of those decisions become automatic – you do them without having to think them through. These automatic actions become your habits and habits are the invisible blueprint of your everyday life. Habit expert, Dr. Gina Cleo shares her three top tips for changing your habits for good.  

Articles 13 to 15 of 15