It’s easy to put bad eyesight down to the fact that you’re just getting older. Your joints get a little stiffer and your eyesight gets a little worse… at the ripe old age of 30. That’s normal, right?
While it’s definitely true that age can deteriorate your eyesight, there are still ways in which you can strive to preserve and look after your eyes. Your eyes are an incredibly important part of your body, so taking good care of them is vital.
So how can you maintain good eye health?
Watch what you eat. While this is one of the most clichéd health tip ever, it does have its merits. What you fuel your body with can have a direct impact on the way that certain units function. Nutritious food is one of the best ways to maintain good eye health. Stick to foods filled with vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids. In short, have lots of leafy greens, lean meat (pork or even kangaroo – yes, kangaroo!), eggs, citrus fruits and of course, fish.
Turn the lights on. “Reading in dim light will make you go blind.” This might sound like one of those fear-mongering old wives’ tales designed to scare children into obeying, but there is actually some truth to it. Reading in the dark can strain your eyes and cause some short-term problems including headaches and short-sightedness.
Sunglasses! We all know the importance of wearing sunnies and you’ve probably experienced first-hand the pain of trying to see in glary light. But direct sunlight can actually burn away the layers of film that cover your eyes, triggering macular degeneration. For this reason, it’s important to make sure your sunglasses are polarised.
Stop smoking. I’m sure you’ve heard of the major side effects of smoking (lung cancer, throat problems and gangrene), none of which are ideal. But smoking can also cause damage to your optic nerve, which can end up impacting your vision. Cutting out smoking altogether is obviously a long and difficult process, so consider investing in some quit-smoking apps to help you keep on top of your progress.
Get a check up. It’s important to get your eyes checked regularly – perhaps every two to five years. This will give you the peace of mind that your eyes are healthy, as well as allow you keep on top of any issues that actually could arise over time. If your doctor suggests glasses and you’re worried about the cost, you can claim some money back on them through a private health insurance policy with optical cover.
Rest up. If you work in an office or even in retail, it’s likely that you spend a lot of your day staring at a screen. This isn’t great for your eyes, so it’s important to look away for a few minutes or blink your eyes if they’re feeling strained or sore. To prevent them from drying out, try blinking and making sure you’re drinking a lot of water.
Go for a run! Exercise promotes blood flow and can stimulate all of your muscles, including your eyes! Plus, it’s a good break from your computer screen.
Maintaining good eye health is a must. Use these tips to ensure that your eyes stay healthy well into old age.
Bessie Hassan is a Money and Insurance Expert at finder.com.au, Australia’s most visited comparison website.