It’s that time of year again! Aussies are starting to plan their Christmas holiday travels, and typically this involves journeying by plane or boat. But something that doesn’t always come to mind is the importance of travel insurance. Planning your trip could be so exciting that booking insurance might even be forgotten altogether. But having protection in place is important in case something goes wrong. Here are some reasons why.
1. Medical expenses
You never know what’s going to happen while you’re overseas. Even if you’re young and in the prime of your life, there’s no guarantee that you won’t fall over and sprain your ankle at some point during your trip. Accidents can happen and medical treatments in foreign countries (especially unforeseen procedures and hospitalisations) can be extremely expensive.There’s a reason why we see so many horror stories in the news about Australian travellers being caught unprepared! However, a travel insurance policy with medical cover can provide extra protection against costs that you may be unexpectedly faced with.
2. The likelihood of something going wrong
5.9 million Australians who’ve been overseas have experienced an issue that they could claim on a travel insurance policy. Whether it’s luggage loss (12%), theft of belongings (10%) or even a natural disaster (6%), these disruptions can significantly impact your trip. We all expect to come back from our trips overseas a little out-of-pocket, but it’s the unexpected issues that can really rack up the costs.
3. You can’t predict the weather
Bad weather is extremely prevalent in some of Australia’s favourite travel hotspots at the moment. Bali’s volcanic Mount Agung is threatening eruption at any point, Hurricane Ophelia is threatening Britain and Hurricane Irma in the United States has just caused billions of dollars worth of damage. Each of these events has caused either cancelled or significantly delayed flights, which could be costly to travellers. But if you take out a travel insurance policy before a storm or natural disaster event is announced, you may be covered.
4. Cruising
Cruises aren’t always included in a typical travel insurance policy and people often fall for this trap. Not every policy provides cover for cruises, so it’s important to check this before purchasing your policy. Because cruises are so often enjoyed by seniors or people with pre-existing conditions, insurance is a particularly good idea. Not only this, but transportation to the nearest hospital can be extremely expensive if you’re out in the middle of the ocean and something goes wrong. Helicopters aren’t cheap! Make sure your policy covers you for medical expenses and cruise travel.
5. Peace of mind
Of course, there’s no guarantee that you’ll need to use your travel insurance. In fact, the ideal trip is one where you don’t have to go through the claims process. Making a claim means something has gone wrong. However, having the peace of mind that you’ll be protected if something does go wrong is one of the most valuable reasons why you should have a policy in place.
Holidaying is exciting, but you need make sure you have that extra security net in place on the off chance that something does go wrong. Remember to compare policies online to ensure that you’re getting the best value for money.
Click here to get a quote for HIF Travel Insurance.

Bessie Hassan is a Money and Insurance Expert at, Australia’s most visited comparison website.
Please note: Bessie's blog is general advice only. For further information on this topic please consult a travel insurance consultant. The views, opinions and positions expressed by the author and those providing comments are theirs alone, and are meant as travel inspiration only. They do not reflect the opinions of HIF. You should always read the PDS available from your travel insurance provider to understand the limits, exclusions and conditions of your policy and to ensure any activities you undertake are covered by your policy.