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1047 results found (0.01 seconds)
Result Item 431 to 440 of 1047
Why so Many Australians Are in the Dark About Ambulance Costs

Why so Many Australians Are in the Dark About Ambulance Costs

Ambulance rides can be scary (and so can the fees!). In fact, according to Bessie from...

What Can and Can’t I Eat While Pregnant?

What Can and Can’t I Eat While Pregnant?

Knowing what you can eat and not eat while pregnant can be a minefield. Check out the list of foods...

What You Say Affects How You Feel – the Links Between Speech and Mental Health

What You Say Affects How You Feel – the Links Between Speech and Mental Health

Many of us are often guilty of speaking before thinking, even to ourselves. But, have you ever...

20 Clever Travel Hacks that Will Change the Way you Travel

20 Clever Travel Hacks that Will Change the Way you Travel

Packing for a big trip isn’t easy. There are weight and space restrictions to take into...

Do Dogs Dream?

Do Dogs Dream?

/pet-health/do-dogs-dream (6 September 2018)

Did you know that during Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep the human and canine brain can become...

Living with a Blind Dog

Living with a Blind Dog

Did you know living with a blind dog isn’t as daunting as it sounds? Dogs are very adaptable...

Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate - Is it Really Good For You?

Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate - Is it Really Good For You?

The health claims might seem a little far-fetched but when eaten in moderation dark chocolate has...

The 7 Best Budget Travel Destinations in 2018

The 7 Best Budget Travel Destinations in 2018

Just because the finances are tight, doesn’t mean an overseas trip can’t be on the...

The Secret to Your Cat’s Purr

The Secret to Your Cat’s Purr

There is no doubt we love to hear our cats purr. But have you ever wondered why they do it?...

Result Item 431 to 440 of 1047