Run a marathon. Lose 10 kilograms. Improve my energy. Be more organised.
Do any of these sound familiar? Most New Year’s resolutions relate to health and well-being in some way, shape or form. Yet so many people really struggle to stick to them. Why? Well, it’s usually because they’re vague, non-specific and come the 1st of January, when you are meant to get started, it all seems too overwhelming.
What a lot of people forget is that you don’t have to make drastic changes to see benefits. Consistency is key. Small but regular behaviours all add up, and the end result can be surprisingly impressive. So, here are my top 5 resolutions that might seem small, but they’re achievable and they can have huge health benefits.
1/ Exercise: Short is sweet
Want to exercise more to improve your health but don’t have the time? Well just 11 minutes walking each day has heart health benefits. And, doing squats against a wall for just a couple of minutes each day can reduce your blood pressure. So, you don’t need to try and find an hour every day, just set aside 15 minutes for movement and you will see the benefits.
2/ Weight loss: Reduce rather than cut
The reason most diets fail is that they’re too restrictive and people feel like they’re missing out. So why not go back to the old adage “a bit of everything in moderation”. If you want to lose weight, rather than cutting carbs or dessert completely and then binging when you do have some, set aside 2 nights per week where you can have a small but enjoyable treat that will keep the cravings at bay.
3/ Mental Health: Plan
When it comes to mental health, an overwhelming mental load can be a huge trigger for anxiety, stress and burnout. Set aside an hour to plan for the week ahead – plan meals, chores and commitments. That way you know what is ahead and you don’t have to churn through your daily brain capacity thinking about it. Your mental health will thank you for it.
4/ Sleep: Set a bedtime alarm
Most of us set an alarm to wake up, well time to start doing it for bedtime too. That will help you make sleep a priority and put a stop to those hours of mindless scrolling that keep you up much later than you intended.
5/ Mindfulness: Don’t be afraid of silence
Always exercise with a podcast or music in the background? Why not try something different – turn the volume down and give yourself some silence. It works wonders for mental health. Mindfulness might conjure thoughts of sitting cross legged in a dark room, but it’s as simple as switching off the noise for 10 mins. Take in your surroundings - the colours, the feeling of warmth. It is just about being present.
So, time for a new year new you? Here’s my most important tip: Think small. Focus each day on laying one nice, neat brick. Then, before you know it, you will look up and see the strong, sturdy home you have built.