Laura Vissaritis

Laura VissaritisLaura V is Australia's most loved animal behaviourist - bringing a wealth of experience, expertise and enthusiasm to the animals in our lives.

She’s studied everything from Zoology to Genetics and Archaeology, to the National Dog Trainers Federation Cert III in Canine Behaviour and Training. Having completed her postgraduate qualification in Education and her postgraduate Psychology degree, Laura is well placed to successfully help countless owners and their dogs around the world.

Laura has dedicated herself to a life helping animals and people alike. Her philosophy – dognitive therapy – helps dogs by training not just them, but their owners too. Based in Melbourne, she is an expert in the behaviour modification of aggressive dogs in particular. Her unique focus, personality and experience sees her involved in any number of media activities,whether it be Dogs Life magazine, commentating on pet behaviour on Channel 9’s Today Extra, Channel 10’s Studio 10 or Channel 7’s Better Homes and Gardens or Saturday Disney.

Laura contributes regularly to a range of publications along with being the host of a weekly pet behaviour segment on Fairfax Media’s news talk radio 3AW, a dog behaviour segment on Magic 1377 and a live radio pet segment on Australia Overnight. Laura is the author of books ‘Things Your Dog Wants You to Know’ and ‘Dognitive Therapy’. She also has a podcast of the same name on SCA’s Podcast One network.

Articles 61 to 72 of 74
Why Does My Cat Do That? – Common Questions and Answers on Cat Behaviour

Why Does My Cat Do That? – Common Questions and Answers on Cat Behaviour

Laura Vissaritis
Have you ever asked yourself "Why does my cat do that?". Well, cats have strange hobbies. Some like to hide in boxes, some like to scratch your couch, and some like to bring you presents from outside. If you’ve wondered why cats have these quirky behaviours, wonder no more! We’ve asked our animal behaviourist expert, Laura V to explain these unusual behaviours, and give you an insight into the world of your cat. 
Category:Pet Health
Reasons Why Your Pet is Being Naughty

Reasons Why Your Pet is Being Naughty

Laura Vissaritis

How can you raise a pet to trust and respect you, without challenging your guidance, pushing your boundaries and occasionally being badly behaved? HIF Pet Care blogger, Laura V told us, "Well, if I must be honest, you can’t. All relationships at some point are faced with interpersonal challenges. Successful relationships however, face these with Consistency, Patience and Respect, or as I like to call it CPR. As a behaviourist, I try to get people to understand that naughtiness is a symptom of underlying issues, which is generally frustration and anxiety. Once we identify the cause of the unwanted quirks, we can help our beloved pets to overcome them." With this in mind, we caught up with Laura to hear how we can implement her CPR approach successfully, to get less naughty and more nice out of our best mates.

Category:Pet Health
Help! My Dog Won’t Stop Barking!

Help! My Dog Won’t Stop Barking!

Laura Vissaritis
Barking is one of those behaviours that is a dog’s bread and butter of communication. But how do we show our dogs that we are listening to what they have to say, without encouraging them to bark…too much? And, if our dog does bark here and there, is it fair to ask them to stop completely? In her latest article for HIF, animal behaviourist expert, Laura V, explains the reasons why your dog may be barking and how you can manage this. 
Category:Pet Health
How to Socialise Your Dog

How to Socialise Your Dog

Laura Vissaritis
How can you help your dogs to become and stay socialised? In her latest article for HIF, animal behaviourst Laura V,  provides her top ten tips to help not just puppy owners looking for the best ways to socialise their new family member, but also those who may have adopted a dog or who have always struggled with their dog's social skills. Click through to the article to learn how to manage the most common issues in social settings. 
Category:Pet Health
Top Ten Tips For Anxious Dogs

Top Ten Tips For Anxious Dogs

Laura Vissaritis
Do you have a shy or nervous dog, or a dog who's anxious in new situations? You can help them feel more calm and relaxed with these top ten tips from our animal behaviourist, Laura V. According to Laura, "Anxiety is the most common cause of unwanted behaviours. So, when training your dog to be better behaved, whether that be walking alongside you on lead, reducing their barking or not digging up the backyard, it pays to ask yourself ‘why’ they are doing it in the first place. How is your dog feeling? What sort of temperament does your dog have? Are you pushing their limits? Are you observing the signs of anxiety? If we start to ask ourselves why our dog is suffering and what part we are playing in it, we can start to understand how to resolve issues and move forward." Click through to the article to read how you can help change the way your dog sees the world.
Category:Pet Health
How to Puppy Proof Your Home

How to Puppy Proof Your Home

Laura Vissaritis
Taking a new puppy home is a very exciting and nerve-wracking time! It’s time start putting some safety boundaries in place, ones that keep your prized possessions free of needle-sharp puppy teeth and ones that keep that precious little canine away from potentially harmful human objects. With this in mind, we caught up with animal behaviourist Laura V from Dognitive Therapy to hear her top tips on puppy proofing your home. 
Tips For Introducing Your Pet to Your Newborn Baby

Tips For Introducing Your Pet to Your Newborn Baby

Laura Vissaritis
Have you ever wondered how to prepare your dog for your newborn's arrival? According to animal expert, Laura V, "The best advice I could give anyone is to essentially ensure your pet is an integral part of the baby’s life. Involve them, have fun with them and allow them to have purpose. Providing you are empathic towards your dog and set up an environment that is both safe and positive, there is no doubt your pet and baby will grow together to be the very best of friends."  In her latest article for HIF, Laura provides her top tips on how to provide a loving home to the humans and fur-kids in your family equally. 
Food Aggression in Dogs and what to do About it

Food Aggression in Dogs and what to do About it

Laura Vissaritis

Does your dog struggle with food aggression? According to animal behaviourist expert, Laura V  "Domestic dogs who display aggression around food are not necessarily dominant or bullying of other dogs, they may simply find that fighting for a resource is essential for survival. And sometimes, it is. Whilst it may be normal though, it doesn’t mean it isn’t potentially dangerous." In order to prevent or change aggressive food behaviour in dogs, it's important to know exactly what is causing it. In her latest article for HIF, Laura V shares her top tips on how to recognise and deal with food aggression. 

Category:Pet Health
Gain Pet, Lose Weight

Gain Pet, Lose Weight

Laura Vissaritis
Did you know that obesity is one of the biggest killers of Australians with up to 40% of adults suffering the relentless battle of the bulge. But it’s not just us who are affected. With people attracted to bad eating habits, it’s not uncommon for us to pass our vices onto our children and even dogs! According to animal behaviourist expert, Laura V, "An estimated 30% of dogs are overweight, leaving them at risk of the same sort of chronic diseases as humans. Dogs are more ‘rotund’ than ever before, becoming not just a health issue but a welfare concern as well." In her latest article for HIF, Laura provides her 8 step approach to losing weight and says that in 8 weeks, you’ll be thanking her, but more importantly you'll be thanking your dog.
Category:Pet Health
How to Tell if Your Dog is Stressed or Anxious

How to Tell if Your Dog is Stressed or Anxious

Laura Vissaritis
Did you know that on average, people spend 2 and ½ hours stressing each and every day? According to Animal Behaviourist expert, Laura V, "Life can be tough and at least half of us are reporting to have or have had an experience of overwhelming stress and anxiety. It seems that with this knowledge, humans are the ones who are struck with the highest cases of poor mental health amongst all sentient animals, but then I got to know another species who to this day, I believe suffers far more than we do. These animals are our dogs. Not only are dogs faced with daily stressors such as finding warmth, food, water and companionship, this stress is usually completely uncontrollable as it's the owner who decides on the dog’s daily fate; whether they will eat, explore, be comfortable and engaged in life, and often there is nothing that dog can do about it. Now that’s what I call stress!" In this article, Laura shares her top tips to help you get to know what your dog’s really thinking.
Category:Pet Health
Want to be your best? Here are five ways your dog will help you to be the best you can be

Want to be your best? Here are five ways your dog will help you to be the best you can be

Laura Vissaritis

If you could describe your ideal-self, how would it sound? Would you be fitter? Healthier? Wealthier? According to our resident Animal Behaviourist & Psychotherapist, Laura V, "Being your best comes from within. It comes from a sense of self-worth, a positive attitude and an outlook on life that is filled with compassion and resilience. When I think of those around me who are always willing to be their best, despite life’s inevitable drawbacks, I think of my dogs. Dogs have extraordinary resilience and motivation. They are always looking for opportunities to make the most of their lives and seem to bring along a positive outlook wherever they go." So, this got us to thinking about how our dogs can show us the way to self-improvement, simply just by being themselves. Amongst all the life-lessons our dogs can teach us, Laura V has come up with 5 simple ways your dog can lead you on a path towards being your absolute best.

Category:Pet Health
Articles 61 to 72 of 74