Chances are you are pretty busy. In fact, I really do not know anyone who is not busy. It seems that most people are constantly juggling work, kids, long commutes, family pressures along with the need to keep as healthy as possible.
Unfortunately, the constant time pressures and stressors in our lives mean that we are not an overly healthy bunch. Up to 60% of us are battling weight issues; more than 1 million of us have diabetes and as we get older, most of us getting heavier, more unfit and far less healthy. Pretty bleak stuff.
Naturally the easy answer to this is to lose weight. Weight loss, even modest weight loss is associated with a range of health benefits including increased energy, better blood glucose levels, reduced blood pressure and an increase in well-being but in many cases this is easier said than done. Often weight loss is associated with a range of unsustainable, restrictive diets that rarely work long term.
For weight loss to be achieved and maintained, it requires a sustainable lifestyle approach that allows you to have a life, but to also build a baseline diet and exercise regime that is sustainable. So if weight loss is one of the goals you have for yourself this year, and you are looking for a sustainable program that is easy to follow, make sure you check out our Shape Me program.
Shape Me, which offers both a 30 day and 3 month approach depending on your weight loss goals offers an individualised dietary approach that you too can adjust based on your personal food and dietary preferences eg gluten free, dairy free, vegetarian; more than 600 recipes and the option of ongoing support from a dietitian.
The benefit of this compared to other online programs is that you can be tracked and monitored throughout your weight loss journey and can get as much out of the program as you want to put in. If it is not working, or if you have questions, you can contact me directly. Or if you simply want some meal and recipe inspiration, you can have that easily delivered to your mobile too!
There are enough pressures in modern life without having to think or try to adhere to unsustainable, intense diet and exercise programs. Food and eating are two of life’s most simple pleasures. Shape Me has been designed to give you the dietary advice and guidance you are looking for, with tasty, fresh foods that are easy to prepare whilst remaining nutritionally balanced and calorie controlled. Weight loss achieved this way is easy and even enjoyable. Why would you not?
Check out this video to learn more about Susie's Shape Me plan.
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* Please note: The daily pricing (above) is based on a single policy in WA paid by direct debit on an annual basis after deducting a 26.791% Federal Government Rebate and a 4% annual discount. Depending on your current household income, the rebate you can claim may be reduced. This pricing is correct as of 1 April 2016