After a stay in a hospital, you need time to recover before you’re back to your old self. Some people may not realise you aren’t fully recovered and ask you to go out or get back to your usual activities. Don’t be afraid to tell people that you haven’t bounced back just yet.
Support at Home
Patients are often keen to leave the hospital and get back in their own environment but many realise soon after that life at home isn’t as easy as they imagined. They don’t have the support of nurses to move around and get their medications ready. The hospital staff aren’t there to prepare and serve meals and snacks and change bed linen. All of this extra activity is tiring and possibly painful.
Ask for Help
Friends and family may have helped out by visiting you in hospital or caring for your family but have stopped now that you are home. It’s unlikely that they don’t want to continue lending a hand, they may just assume that you are right to pick up the load now that you’re home.
Don’t be afraid to let them know that you would appreciate if they could continue to help you with some activities. Most people are more than willing to keep helping out if you ask. Show them your how grateful you are with some flowers or take them out for a meal when you have recovered.
Work Life
Some employees don’t want to tell their employers everything related to their medical issue and only take a minimal amount of time off work. However, it’s best not to over promise on the amount of time you will take off. When you are due to return from sick leave, you may realise you still aren’t well enough. If you find you need more time off, go to your employer as early as possible, so they have time to make alternative arrangements. Let them know you aren’t feeling as well as you had hoped and will need some more time to recuperate. Heading back to work early may lead to more sick leave later on.
Social Life
If friends or family expect that you would have resumed your usual daily activities once you are home from hospital, let them know you would like to but not just yet. It’s hard for others to know you are in pain or your mobility isn’t what it was so let them know. Don’t compromise your recovery or comfort trying to do what others expect of you. Only you know how you feel and if you’re not up to it then say. Tell them you would still like their company, but you’d prefer to do something less active or quieter than you would normally.
Your Concerns
It’s normal for reality to be different to your perceptions of what life after hospital would be like. Your doctor can answer any questions you may have about your recovery. If you have any concerns or you’re feeling angry or depressed about anything, don’t keep it to yourself. Make an appointment to see your doctor to talk about them.
Recovery rates following hospital stays are different for everyone. Two people who have had the same procedure will respond differently. Don’t feel guilty if you need more time to recover. Be gentle on yourself and recognise what you are capable of doing and communicate this to the people around you.
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