How long will it take for life to get back to normal after an operation? It’s almost impossible to answer because everyone’s recovery is slightly different. Some patients will bounce back quite quickly while others will take much longer. Recovery time factors include age, level of physical fitness before an operation, following doctors orders, doing the prescribed exercises and even state of mind.
Returning to Work
If you don’t think you will be able to resume your same duties when you go back to work, speak to your employer. You may be able to go back part-time and work up to full-time hours. If your role is physical, see if you can take on less strenuous duties until you are completely fit.
Be Positive
Sometimes it can feel like life will never be the same again. Pain, limited mobility and boredom can put some people in a depressed state during their recovery. Try to find three things to be positive about each day. It could be a friend's visit or phone call that you appreciated, some flowers you received or an increase in the number of exercises you managed to do today.
Do your Exercises
You start out with the best of intentions to do the exercises that have been recommended, but too many people stop too early because they think they’re past that stage or it gets a bit boring. Try to keep up with them and set yourself a goal to do a little more each day, so your strength and mobility get back to what they once were.
Take it Slowly
When you think your recovery period is over, don’t resume your old life at once. A full work, family and social life could see your recovery take a step backwards. Life may be more tiring than it was pre-op. If you are returning to work one week, don’t try to do all the household chores during the same week. Step things up slowly. When you feel you are coping with one part of your old life, resume another part. It may feel like you are going too slow, but it's better than making a backward step.
Consult your Doctor
While you might feel fine, there may be some duties that shouldn’t undertake for some time. If you can’t remember if you have any restrictions, ask your doctor. What may seem like a harmless physical activity could put you at risk of an injury that takes much longer to recover from than the original recovery timeline.
Accepting Help
Don’t feel guilty that people are still wanting to help you out when your recovery is nearly completed. That extra pair of hands is what could be the difference between a fast and slow recovery because you are trying to do it all yourself. Let your friend or family member know how much you appreciate their assistance and know that you one day you may be able to return the favour.
With some patience and taking care of yourself physically and emotionally, you can get back to enjoying your old life.
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