So many of us are good during the working week by preparing healthy home cooked meals and hitting the gym after work. By Friday evening we’re meeting friends for a big night out or enjoying takeaway meals all weekend and spending a large part of the weekend on the couch which can pile on the kilos. Take some simple steps to keeping your weight in check.
Use the Extra Time to Exercise
If you work Monday to Friday, you may have more time available during the weekend to exercise. Counter any unhealthy weekend food and drink choices by increasing your physical activity. Try to wake up the same time as you do on a work day and go for a walk, do an outdoor group training session or visit the gym.
If you are busy with kids sport on the weekend, go for a walk or jog around the oval while they warm up before the game. Do some gardening to burn off a few of those extra kilojoules and get the front yard in shape at the same time. Enjoy some sunshine with a bike ride or go for a swim. Remember it takes more time than we think to burn off the calories we consume through exercise so give it some thought before indulging.
Make Healthy Choices
When you’re out celebrating a friend or family member’s birthday, it’s great to join in the festivities by having a slice of cake or joining them for dinner out however you don’t need to give up on healthy eating. If you are dining out, try to choose a healthy option on the menu or ask if you can make some changes such as ordering grilled not battered fish, placing the salad dressing on the side or swapping the chips for vegetables. Small differences can make a big impact on the calories you consume.
Alcohol can contribute a huge number of calories to your weekend count. Make sure you swap some of your alcoholic drinks for soda water or better yet decide to have an alcohol free weekend.
Get Prepping Now for Week Ahead
If you have had an indulgent weekend, make sure the week ahead is restrained. Visit the supermarket on Sunday and stock up on healthy lunch options and start preparing your lunches in advance, so you aren’t tempted to buy lunch on the go at work.
Plan out your weeknight meals so you know what ingredients you need on which nights. Try to choose healthy options that the majority of the family will eat or meals that you can modify for yourself to reduce the calories. Remember to control your portion sizes. Our large dinner plates tend to be filled and eaten when we need to fill a fraction of the plate. Try to make at least one meal a vegetarian option which is not only good for the waistline but also good for the budget. Experiment to find vegetarian options that everyone in the family will eat.
Schedule time each day for the next week to do some exercise. If you think you might not keep to your schedule, line up a friend to do the exercise with you, so you stay accountable.
Next Weekend will be Better
Plan ahead for next weekend. It’s tempting to say yes to the first invitation from friends so decide early in the week how you want to spend your weekend. Try something different like a picnic to a new location you want to explore on foot. Invite friends over to your house for a barbeque and offer healthy options in place of the usual nibbles and make an extra salad rather than serving garlic bread.
Healthy Lifestyle Cover
Healthy choices made often is what makes the difference to our weight. If you would like some help with making healthy options, check out HIF’s Healthy Lifestyle Cover which allows you to claim a benefit on weight management programs, gym memberships, exercise physiologist appointments and health assessments.
Please note:
Benefits are not available where the service is eligible for a Medicare rebate
A two month waiting period applies for Healthy Lifestyle benefits
Benefits are not payable on online program purchases, with the exception of Michelle Bridges 12 WBT and Susie Burrell’s Shape Me.