By now most of us are fully into the swing of the new year.
I am not one for setting new year’s resolutions, I am however, one for setting challenging, realistic goals that when implemented with the right plan, lead to the desired result we originally had in mind.
I’ve spent the first few weeks of this year visiting different gyms and talking to a lot of people, and most of their goals are the same – to lose weight and get fit. That’s great, although not too many people have said to me that their goal is to train consistently 2-3 times per week or commit to a group class every week as part of their ongoing training routine.
When setting goals don’t be a person that says “I will try”, be a person that says “I will do”. Commit to yourself, don’t leave room to waiver from your goals or become distracted by other people. This will lead to failure in achieving your ultimate result. When writing your plan be consistent, realistic and determined to become mentally and physically stronger than you currently are.
Self-belief is power. Believe you can make a positive change and that way you will stay focussed and be on-track to succeed. Keeping your goals and working towards your results takes discipline, mental strength and a touch of arrogance. First work out your plan. Leave the desired result out for the moment. Many people tell me that they’d like to lose a certain amount of weight – but that number or that amount, is the end result which comes after the many months of hard work and discipline. I use trigger words to prompt me when writing a plan – for example:
TIME – what spare time do I really have?
CONSISTENCY – how many days can I dedicate to training?
MOTIVATION – what do I enjoy when it comes to weight/cardio/group classes or training in general?
MENTAL STRENGTH – I will cut down on junk food, alcohol and distractive friendships.
DEDICATION – sticking to the days and time allocated to physical fitness along with following a healthy eating plan.
RESULTS – reward yourself when you have reached your goals.
Your benefits will be:
Higher self-esteem, mentally stronger
More energy
Look and feel healthier
Sleep better
Improved cardiovascular fitness and physical strength
Appear more attractive
Increased libido
Improved muscle definition and tone