Being "busy" has certainly become glamourised in our society. Being busy is seen as a sign of being driven, achieving at your best. Being busy isn't always the best for your health, and unfortunately it's easy to think "I'll brush properly tomorrow" when you're constantly on the go. Good dental health is a matter of consistency, so this year the Dental Health Week theme is "Oral Health for Busy Lives". Here's a few little tips for squeezing effective dental care into your busy day.
Power up
Electric toothbrushes have been proven to be more effective at plaque removal than manual brushing. You can do just as good a job with a manual brush, but the main advantage for people on the hustle is that power brushing is fast. Common electric toothbrushes have a head that oscillates at around 7000-10000 times per minute. I just timed myself, and as someone with above average dexterity and an intimate knowledge of correct brushing technique, I could only manage 352 little circles per minute with a manual brush. And that was just the first minute. Muscle fatigue means all brushing after that becomes pretty ham-fisted. Upgrade to an electric toothbrush with an oscillating head and you'll need to spend less time at the bathroom sink.
Get creative
Making your oral hygiene routine fit into your day is a great way to save time. Waiting for your hair conditioner every day? Put your dental equipment in the shower and brush/floss while you're in there. Watch the news every night? Keep your floss handy near the remote and clean between your teeth while catching up on the daily events. If you're currently a non-flosser, this is also a great way to make it a habit. Attach it to something else you do every day anyway, and remembering becomes a lot easier.
Think preventatively
Getting yourself to dental appointments can be difficult if you're busy, particularly if you work during normal business hours. Good preventive care at home means your regular dental visits will be much quicker. Turning up for a checkup and a clean is much faster than coming back 3-4 times for fillings or root canal therapy. Most dental disease can be avoided through effective home plaque removal, use of a fluoride toothpaste, and paying attention to your diet. Maximise your daily home care and minimise your time spent at dental appointments.